Hebei Wen'an Lingyun Mechanical Equipment Company

Hebei Wen'an Lingyun Mechanical Equipment Company
Used machine tool equipment
Business Scope:
Perennial sale of second-hand vertical lathe
The company perennial

I engage in large-scale acquisition transfer of second-hand machinery equipment, idle equipment in factories mines, the whole plant acquisitions large equipment operators based. Follow surplus deficiency, efficient pragmatic, customer first, win-win situation as the operating principle, the acquisition also sell a variety of to idle large equipment rolling equipment, by virtue of the operation of the full range of information channels networks to promote financial intermediation between enterprises, spot supply department is willing to quality efficient service, reasonable price return customers, welcome to inquire discuss business, you need a phone to tell the supply demand remaining thing to us to help you do ! paternity order visit our period, the period of paternity win-win!
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Hebei Wen'an Lingyun Mechanical Equipment Company
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  • Company Name:Hebei Wen'an Lingyun Mechanical Equipment Company
  • Technology Support:wangyou fengj.com
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112